Contact Us

Before using the contact form below please read these common things.  For more you can read our FAQ page.

No, I do not have dozens of designs just laying around ready to go that I just wasn't smart enough to add to my website.  If I do not have it listed on the website and you want it I would have to cut it custom.  I do have a lot of designs I am working on, but when they are ready and tested they get added to the website.  

Custom does not mean knockoff.  If you want to just knockoff somebody else's design, please contact somebody else who does knockoffs as part of their business model.  If you have real product and appearance changes you want to make to somebody else's design, be 100% clear about what you plan to do to make it your own.  Be clear up front, or I will send you down the road as just another person looking for a knockoff.  My policy is I will not knowingly make an exact or near exact copy of somebody else's non-generic current production commercial bait mold.  I do real custom work for custom customers.  How would they be able to trust me with their designs if I was just another knockoff artist.  Note the lack of a question mark.  That was deliberate. 

For more answers to common questions please review my FAQ page before using the contact form.   


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